Il Catalogo delle Biblioteche Liguri consente l'accesso a 1.500.278 notizie bibliografiche, corredate da 1.777.648 localizzazioni (Aggiornato al 10/02/2025) Statistiche sull'uso

Accesso ai servizi del Polo SBN Ligure (solo per utenti registrati nelle biblioteche del Polo)
The Catalogo delle Biblioteche Liguri (Catalogue of Ligurian Libraries – CBL) is a joint service of the Regione Liguria (Ligurian Regional Administration) and Biblioteca Universitaria di Genova, the largest Ligurian library, belonging to the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.

Its purpose is to allow everyone to access the catalogues of Ligurian libraries in the easiest and most complete way.
The CBL enables users to search from a single interface data created by a number of libraries, either partecipating in the National Library Service (Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale – SBN) or not, which are quite different from each other, so that users can find documents they are looking for no matter where they are located. It is also possible to contact the request services of certain libraries through the CBL.
Libraries whose catalogues are searchable through the CBL belong to public administrations and institutions (State, Regions, municipalities, provinces, schools, university, etc) and to private institutions such as associations, foundations, churches. Some are general while others are specialized in a variety of matters. Some also own important collections of ancient books.
The data of some libraries are directly stored within the CBL, which in turn is also able to search the catalogues of other libraries (already present on the Internet) by means of the Z39.50protocol, so that users do not need to worry about locating them separately.

Catalogues searchable by means of the CBL vary in completeness of data and cataloguing policies (e. g. some do not consider subject or classification, some lack data that is optional according to cataloguing rules). It is therefore possible that a search involving many fields fails to find the pertinent results because the data being searched is missing.
Not all Ligurian libraries are present in the CBL, but we hope they will join it in the future.
The CBL is not only available through this site, but also by means of Protocol Z39.50. To this purpose a Z39.50 client is needed: access parameters are explained here.

Some items present in Ligurian libraries are fully available in digital in the Ligurian Digital Library

Please feel free to request further information from:
Regione Liguria
Settore cultura e spettacolo
Via Fieschi 17 - piano U6
I-16121 Genova GE
Riferimento: Giuseppe Pavoletti
Tel +39 010 5484616 Fax +39 010 5484666

Via Balbi 40
16126 Genova
Riferimento: Giancarlo Morettini